2017 - 2018
Investors Club
The JA Investor's Club is an annual fund effort started in the fall of 2011. It gives individual donors the opportunity to directly impact JA programs and children in local schools. You can become a member of the club by making a contribution today!
Classroom Sponsor ($1,000+)
Suzanne Carmody
Donna Cupelo
Kristin Fraser
Christopher Graham
Steven Kitchin
Jamison Miller
Eric Turner
Kit Sponsors ($500 - $999)
Douglas Rademacher
Charles Reppucci
Irving Schneider
Calvin Strong
Tim Walsh
Jeff Williams
Carl Carande
Robert A. D'Amico II
Mitchell & Luann Edwards
Kevin Gallagher
William Hatfield
Peter James
Richmond Jeffrey
Student SponsorS ($100 - $499)
Lee Lewis
Timothy Lodge
Mark Loomis
Taylor Mahoney
Paul Mahoney
Joseph Maiorano
John Malley
Gerry Manning
Gregory Massad
Matthew McTygue
Kirsten Mejdrich
Roxanne Melchiori
Megan Merlino
Elizabeth Messier
Leo Mogavero
Terri Monjar
Patricia Monti
Jaclyn Morrocco
Michael Muccio
Matthew Murphy
Eric Murray
Manu Nathan
Michael Newquist
Michael Ohata
Samuel Ordonez
Frank Paletta
Steven Panagote
Lorraine Parent
Steven Parente
Bill Perry
Bruce Pfau
Simon Phillips
William Pirolli
Nicole Popolizio
William Priante
Bill Prichett
Meghan Raposa
Janet Raymond
Kyle Regan
Charles Reilly
Christopher Rhodes
Anthony Riccitelli
Kenneth Richardson
Suzette Roberts
Stephanie Robl
Steven Rodger
Julian Rose
Olivia Roy
Joseph Rubino
Tabitha Santos
Patricia Saracino
Joanne Schenck
William Schnell
Frank Sciuto
Craig Scott
Elizabeth Scullin
Jitendra Sharma
Michael Shea
William Shea
Mike Sherin
Gerald Sherlock
David Shontz
Danitra Shorts
Richard Simone
Kevin Sutula
Gary Theriault
Adam Thoelen
Daniel Tiemann
Peter Toth
Kevin Tracy
Shaunna Varin
Mark Vuono
Jay Wallus
Margaret Walsh
Liam Walsh
Matthew Waters
Kelly Watson
Jonathan Weinstein
Alicia Wells-Smith
David Wilson
Matt Wood
Alyce Wright
Mary Wyatt
Jonathan Wyatt
Alicia Yeremian
Steven Zaroogian
Mitch Zides
Courtney Zingale
Lillian Amoriggi
Chelsea Antosca
Mary-Kate Bassett
Mark Bates
Cindy Beeman
Dante Bellini
David Bica
Craig Bilodeau
Sylvia Brandes
John Brough
Victoria Calabro
Paul Campellone
Andrew Capalbo
Anthony Caprio
Drew Carey
Bob Carlson
Gary Caron
Sherri Carrera
Curt Caserta
Angela Celia
Thomas Celona
Malcolm Chace
Daniel Chesnut
Joshua Clark
Matthew Clarkin
Richard Cohn
Emilio Colapietro
Maria Comaroschi
Timothy Conlon
Charles Connell
Paul Cotter
Scott Coty
Richard Covel
Melissa D'Amico
Andrew Deluski
Wayne DeMarco
Khris DeSimone
Robert DiMuccio
Anthony Dipaola
Daniel Doherty
Peter Dorsey
Kerry Doucette
Kenneth & Gretchen Dulgarian
Eileen Edwards
David Elsbree
David Ferreira
Sherri Ferretti
Matthew Floskis
Michael Fontaine
David Fontaine
Ian Fullerton
Joseph Gencarella
Kasey Gesualdi
John Giraldo
Michael Giuttari
Todd Gleason
Nancy Gray
John Gregory
Daniel Hagerty
Patrick Haney
Patricia Herron
David Hirsch
Janet Holberton
James Hopper
Melissa Howell
Rosemary Hunter
Thomas Jefferson
Courtney Jones
Michelle Jones
Joel Karansky
Lynne Kelly
Steve Kinnan
John Kirkwood
Timothy Konikowski
Neven Kraguljevic
David Krimm
Karen Labonte
Scott Lajoie
Art & Sue Lambi
Tracy Landau
Roger & Donna Landry
Stephen Lane
John Lane
Danielle Lang
Nicole LaRosee
Jason LaRue
Robert Leach
Lori Lepizzera
Stacy Levin
Friends of JA (up to $99)
Jess Hutchinson
Claudette Iacovone
Patricia Igoe
Tom Imondi
Suzanne Jalbert
Lisa Joseph
Nathan Joyner
Matthew Keegan
Carolyn Keery
Susan Kennedy
Dan Kern
Teres Kern
Kevin Kiernan
George Kinnear
Kosta Kourakis
Michael Kubicki
Glen Anthony Labrie Jr
Michael Laverty
Katelyn Leary
Kristen Leary
Alan Levin
david lucivero
Jean, Mel, and Kaleigh MacDonald
Dawn MacDonald
Yvonne Maciag
MJ Maffia
Cassidy Maksy
Patti Mandeville
Esther Mansuetti
Dustin Marine
Le-Anne Markarian
Courtney Marr
Jill Martinez
Christopher Martinez
Rhonda Mazzola
Mary McGann
Susan McIntyre
Ryan McKale
Samantha McKinnon
Teresa Mecca
Mark Medeiros
Jill Miller
Ann Montag
Lisa Morley
Noah Morrison
Nichole Motley
Joseph Motta
Sarai Mulvey
Andrew Murphy
Theodore Murphy
Cindy Murray
Maryann Neumann
Tony Noviello
shannon o'brien
Maureen O'Gorman
David Olivie
Brandon Olson
Linda Oosterman
Ellen Ordway
Amy ORourke
Liam O'Rourke
Conor O'Rourke
Ted O'Rourke
Alice Ortiz
Alexandria Pacheco
Anthony Pagano
Debra Palardy
Peter and Audrey Palmisciano
Alicia Palumbo
Dawn Panciera
Frank Paolino
Angela Paolino
Stephanie Paquette
Chester Pearce
Steven Peloquin
Jenny Peters
Michele Pezza
Alicia Phillips
Gordon Pingicer
Josh Pitcher
Jessica L Poma
Pamela Presby
Heather Prew
Teri Pruett
meredith puppa
Matt Raiche
Melissa Raiche
Gino Rancourt
Susan Rancourt
Eric Ratzel
Eileen Raymond
Bob Read
Cindy Reddy
Denise Ricard
Pamela Ricciarelli
Samantha Rodriguez
Rachel Roginsky
Nanci-Beth Routhier
Amy Routhier
Angela Ruo
Amy Russell
Jacklene Ann Russo
Douglas Saunders
Theresa Schlossnagle
Matthew Scungio
Joseph Sepe
April Seppala
Lawrence Sequira
David Shanker
Phyllis Shields
Stephanie Silva
Acel Silva
Eduarda Silva
Irene Simpson
Kevin Sirhal
John Skipper
michael smith
Daren Smith
Scott Smith
Alison Smith
Phil Sollecito
Setha Sor
Suzanne Spadola
Meema Spadola
Julia Spadola
Molly Spadola
Emilio Spadola
Chris Spagnole
Lisa St onge
Kelly and Chris Stairs
Ricky Stern
carol stonge
Bill and Karen Sutherland
Duane Szatkowski
Liza Teixeira
Jenna Terrell
Joshua Terry
Alan Testa
Kayla Therriault
Zuhairah Tillinghast
Matthew Tooker
Melissa Trapp
Joyce Troy
Michael Ung
Kim Uustal
Debbie Valentine
Erin Van Arsdale
Kathryn Vinton
Amanda Waldman
Patricia Watkins
Sean Welch
Andrew White
Gabby Willette
Brian Williams
Cadey Williams
Jenn Wingate
Michele Winn
Rhonda Winters
James Wright
Raymond Zientara
Colleen Adamo
Anagha Agnihotri
Katrina Ahern
Ryan Almonte
David Almonte
Robert Alpert
Nina Amador
Kim Amspacher
Linda Anders
Brian Andrade
Rebecca Andreen
Natalie Andreen
John Ariza
Theresa Arlia
Christopher Arthurs
Lisa Asadoorian
Linda Ayers
Samantha Aylward
Stephen Aylward
Ed Balasco
Joe & Gayle Balestracci
Brian Bannon
Eric Banville
Brian Barbieri
Gio Bartucca
Soumangue Basse
Charlotte Baton
glen Bennett
Steven Bennett
Frans Bergez
Michael Bertoncini
Jamie Bertwell
Chris Billias
Michael Blain
Cynthia Blanthorne
Thomas, Jim, & Mikie Bodnar
David Bogan
Chrissy Boi
Lou Boi
Jordan Boisclair
Mildred Bousquet
Justin Bouthillette
Kaitlin Bove
Beth Bowie
Jacquelyn Bowser
Keb Brackenbury
Larry Brown
David Burgoyne
Kerry Burns
Daniel Butler
Ryan Caldarone
Michele Callan
Thomas Callanan
Maya Cannon
Betty Capaldo
Edward Caravalho
Michelle Cardente
Amanda Carmody
Marie Carpinelli
Matthew Carvalho
James Catanach
Lauren Cavaco
Brenda Celani
Stacy Clark
John Clemens
Michelle Codling
Rick cohen
Dolores Colding
Renee Colombo
Malinda Colon
Lori Conaty
Travis Conaty
Carol Connolly
Valerie Cooper
Lisa Corbett
Anna-Lisa Corbie
Ryan & Tyler Cormack
Michael Correia
Patrick Corrigan
Shelly Costaregni
Tara S Costello
Bob Crudale
robert damico
Robin Davis
Teri Davis
Amanda Davis
Victoria Dawson
Jon DeAngelis
Maria DeBarros
rossi-pedro debra
Pauline DeCosta
Anthony DeLuise
Erin Denstedt
Emily Desautel
Kate & Bob DeSimone
Michelle Desrosiers
Joseph Devine
Stephen DiChiara
Bernadette Dion
Lorraine Doucette
Melanie Doyle
Matthew Dupont
Mary Durso
Stephen Dylag
Lisa Edwards
Steven Emilio
Britty Ereio
Maura Fashjian
Ronda Felici
Stef Fennessy
Lucy Ferreira
Sherry Ferreira Cadden
Deb Findeisen
Tara Finn
Samantha Flemke
Francis Foley
Sherry Fonseca
Thomas Forsythe
Alicia Fournier
Thomas Fredericks
Beth Frenette
Shu Ting Fung
Greg Fusco
Jason Galloway
Irene Gavriluk
Tom Gavriluk
Karen Gendron
Lina Gharios
Michael Gillerlane
James Goddiess
Bethany Goddiess
Karen Gorski
John Gosnell
neil graff
Cheryl Grande
Deborah Gregory
Andrew Groth
umme habiba
Terrie Hamby
Rachelle Handfield
Patrick Haney
Michael Haney
Kyla Harol
Deborah Haubenstein
Grace Hazell
Elizabeth Henthorne
Titus Her
Miriam Hercules
Mark Hevenor
David Hill
James Holand
Jason Holt
Susan Holt
Marie Hopper
Matthew Howes
Amy Howes
Jaye Howes
Sarah Huber
Tom Hursthouse
* Pledges and gifts received from 7/1/17 - 6/30/18 from individual donors. Does not include purchase of event tickets or auction items.
** If you are a donor and there is a mistake in your listing or you have been accidentally omitted, please accept our apologies and contact us at ja.ri@ja.org or (401) 331-3850.